Would you consider The University of Texas at Austin a Prestigious school or a party school?
What do you think of UTA. DO u take it seriously?
Higher Education (University +) - 5 Answers
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for a good education then yes the this school is good and you will get more from it if you keep your mind on studies and not the other things go on.
I know it's a very big school in a town that is known to have a party reputation but everything I've ever heard and read suggests it's a very good school.
All Universities, colleges and 2 year colleges the first year are party colleges....because it is the kids first time (usually) away from home and kegger on!....the second year you usually settle down and really hit the books are ready to declare, and the 3 and 4 year you are ready to graduate ...so don't worry most, not all, but most kids party their first year wherever they go to school.
Its a great university and has a good reputation for a lot of coures! So if you are considering it..Just Go For It!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
University of Texas-Austin Law School?
University of Texas-Austin Law School?
Hello all, anyone here apply to UT-Austin Law School? How competitive is it getting into it? What was your GPA, where did you do your undergrad? How was your application process, was there an interview? If you were not accepted, which law school did you choose to attend instead? How has your experience been there? If you've graduated, did a law firm hire you soon after you graduated?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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All good questions. I didn't apply there, but I can hook you up with the information you're requesting. "How competitive is it?" Very. UT-Austin is best law school in Texas, of course, and one of the best schools in the country outside the top-14. "What was your GPA / undergrad institution?" Your undergraduate institution won't matter in terms of admissions. As for GPA, I can tell by looking at Law School Numbers (I'll link you in my source section) that your chances of being admitted go up significantly if you're a 3.6 or over and a 167 or over, but UT-Austin does dip as low as 3.4 and 164, but only when the applicant's other number is higher. For example, with a 3.4, you want an LSAT over 170. With a 164, you want a GPA around 3.8. "Interview?" As far as I know, UT Austin does not interview for anything other than scholarships. "Employment prospects?" Actually pretty good. If you know you want to work in Texas after law school, then you'll have a strong advantage there. Texas is kind of an insular state and the firms there likel to hire from UT Austin. The school has a very strong alumni network. In addition, lots of firms from outside the state do OCI (on-campus interviews) there. According to the NLJ250 for 2009--the 250 biggest firms in America--Texas sent around 36% of its graduates into these firms. That's impressive and almost rivals some top-14 schools. Now, that data is a little outdated and the economy is worse right now, but UT Austin still has some of the best employment prospects outside the top-14 and absolutely dominates Texas. That being said, it's still a somewhat regional school. Whether it's self-selection or something, most Texas graduates stay in Texas. I wouldn't go to Texas over UCLA if you know you want to end up in California, by the way. "What is UT Austin like?" Never been there, but everyone says it's the hippest and trendiest city in Texas and that you'll like the school and city if you're used to a more campus-like feel in an urban environment.
Hello all, anyone here apply to UT-Austin Law School? How competitive is it getting into it? What was your GPA, where did you do your undergrad? How was your application process, was there an interview? If you were not accepted, which law school did you choose to attend instead? How has your experience been there? If you've graduated, did a law firm hire you soon after you graduated?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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All good questions. I didn't apply there, but I can hook you up with the information you're requesting. "How competitive is it?" Very. UT-Austin is best law school in Texas, of course, and one of the best schools in the country outside the top-14. "What was your GPA / undergrad institution?" Your undergraduate institution won't matter in terms of admissions. As for GPA, I can tell by looking at Law School Numbers (I'll link you in my source section) that your chances of being admitted go up significantly if you're a 3.6 or over and a 167 or over, but UT-Austin does dip as low as 3.4 and 164, but only when the applicant's other number is higher. For example, with a 3.4, you want an LSAT over 170. With a 164, you want a GPA around 3.8. "Interview?" As far as I know, UT Austin does not interview for anything other than scholarships. "Employment prospects?" Actually pretty good. If you know you want to work in Texas after law school, then you'll have a strong advantage there. Texas is kind of an insular state and the firms there likel to hire from UT Austin. The school has a very strong alumni network. In addition, lots of firms from outside the state do OCI (on-campus interviews) there. According to the NLJ250 for 2009--the 250 biggest firms in America--Texas sent around 36% of its graduates into these firms. That's impressive and almost rivals some top-14 schools. Now, that data is a little outdated and the economy is worse right now, but UT Austin still has some of the best employment prospects outside the top-14 and absolutely dominates Texas. That being said, it's still a somewhat regional school. Whether it's self-selection or something, most Texas graduates stay in Texas. I wouldn't go to Texas over UCLA if you know you want to end up in California, by the way. "What is UT Austin like?" Never been there, but everyone says it's the hippest and trendiest city in Texas and that you'll like the school and city if you're used to a more campus-like feel in an urban environment.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Your opinion on colleges in the Austin, Texas area?
Your opinion on colleges in the Austin, Texas area?
I'm looking at schools near Austin, Texas. Mostly interested in private colleges. I'd appreciate your opinions and the pro's and con's of schools in the area. Classes? Helpful professors? Food? Safety? Know anything or hear anything about Huston-Tillotson University or Concordia University Texas. Others? Thanks!
Austin - 3 Answers
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I attended and graduated from Concordia and it's a fine institution. I felt like I got a quality education and the professors and staff were very helpful. They've moved campuses since I attended so I can't comment much on it's current location. St Edward's University is another great private college located in South Austin. I had many work colleagues graduate from there and spoke highly of it. They have a lot of evening classes (unlike UT) which makes it convenient for those working and going to school. I don't know much about Huston-Tillotson other than what they say on their website: "Huston-Tillotson University is an accredited, four-year, historically black college with a mission to educate, develop and direct students of any social, economic, spiritual, or racial background." They deem themselves a liberal arts college with a proud tradition of a multicultural education. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them.
If you are liberal try Huston-Tillotson, Saint Edwards, or ACC. If you are small town oriented consider Texas State in San Marcos. Religious and studious consider Concordia. Fine Arts consider Southwestern in Georgetown. If I had it to do over again I would give higher consideration to the last two listed above.
St. Edward's, Concordia and Southwestern - all very good schools. Southwestern is rated as one of the very top small schools in the country. Has about 1200 students. Williamson County is very conservative but nice place to live.
I'm looking at schools near Austin, Texas. Mostly interested in private colleges. I'd appreciate your opinions and the pro's and con's of schools in the area. Classes? Helpful professors? Food? Safety? Know anything or hear anything about Huston-Tillotson University or Concordia University Texas. Others? Thanks!
Austin - 3 Answers
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I attended and graduated from Concordia and it's a fine institution. I felt like I got a quality education and the professors and staff were very helpful. They've moved campuses since I attended so I can't comment much on it's current location. St Edward's University is another great private college located in South Austin. I had many work colleagues graduate from there and spoke highly of it. They have a lot of evening classes (unlike UT) which makes it convenient for those working and going to school. I don't know much about Huston-Tillotson other than what they say on their website: "Huston-Tillotson University is an accredited, four-year, historically black college with a mission to educate, develop and direct students of any social, economic, spiritual, or racial background." They deem themselves a liberal arts college with a proud tradition of a multicultural education. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them.
If you are liberal try Huston-Tillotson, Saint Edwards, or ACC. If you are small town oriented consider Texas State in San Marcos. Religious and studious consider Concordia. Fine Arts consider Southwestern in Georgetown. If I had it to do over again I would give higher consideration to the last two listed above.
St. Edward's, Concordia and Southwestern - all very good schools. Southwestern is rated as one of the very top small schools in the country. Has about 1200 students. Williamson County is very conservative but nice place to live.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Can you please help Austin High School from Texas!?
Can you please help Austin High School from Texas!?
I'm from Austin High School, and our school is a low income school. We only have 10,000 for prom. Its not much to work with but we are trying our best. I was wondering if ya'll can go and vote for Austin High School from Texas and help us out a bit. We need all the help we can get. The website is shown below. Please help us. Just go to the website below and look under texas and vote for austin high school. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! So please do not be mean! If you have a good heart you will take your time once a day and voted. please vote everyday. we would be do grateful! Thank you! http://www.stumpsprom.com/service.cfm?page=votepromusa
Polls & Surveys - 1 Answers
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OK! I voted for your school, Enjoy the day!
I'm from Austin High School, and our school is a low income school. We only have 10,000 for prom. Its not much to work with but we are trying our best. I was wondering if ya'll can go and vote for Austin High School from Texas and help us out a bit. We need all the help we can get. The website is shown below. Please help us. Just go to the website below and look under texas and vote for austin high school. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! So please do not be mean! If you have a good heart you will take your time once a day and voted. please vote everyday. we would be do grateful! Thank you! http://www.stumpsprom.com/service.cfm?page=votepromusa
Polls & Surveys - 1 Answers
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OK! I voted for your school, Enjoy the day!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Would I get into a school like UT (University of Texas at Austin) with a 3.5 and and good SAT scores?
Would I get into a school like UT (University of Texas at Austin) with a 3.5 and and good SAT scores?
I know I am in the top 16% guaranteed not sure yet. I have a 3.5 and a 2000 on the SAT. I am also an Eagle Scout and allot of mission trips under my belt, to be exact 4. With a letter of Completion of certain volunteer hours from the president. Would I get into UT?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I hope you do. It's a great school
Aw man you're not in the top 10 huh? Yeah, you seem like a good candidate....what grade are you in? If you're a sophomore try extremely hard to crack the top tenth....If you're a senior, just try to write killer essays and get reeeally good teacher recommendations. Good luck. I've got a 3.3 and 2020 SAT....luckily I'm in the top tenth of my school lol....Yay for lazy AP students....
I know I am in the top 16% guaranteed not sure yet. I have a 3.5 and a 2000 on the SAT. I am also an Eagle Scout and allot of mission trips under my belt, to be exact 4. With a letter of Completion of certain volunteer hours from the president. Would I get into UT?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I hope you do. It's a great school
Aw man you're not in the top 10 huh? Yeah, you seem like a good candidate....what grade are you in? If you're a sophomore try extremely hard to crack the top tenth....If you're a senior, just try to write killer essays and get reeeally good teacher recommendations. Good luck. I've got a 3.3 and 2020 SAT....luckily I'm in the top tenth of my school lol....Yay for lazy AP students....
Friday, February 18, 2011
Is it possible to be enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin, but attend another state school?
Is it possible to be enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin, but attend another state school?
For example, is it possible to be enrolled and obtain a degree from the University of Texas at Austin, but take classes at University of Texas at Arlington or University of Texas at El Paso
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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yep if u want to do work for the other school 2
Sure, through distance learning. (Online courses)
For example, is it possible to be enrolled and obtain a degree from the University of Texas at Austin, but take classes at University of Texas at Arlington or University of Texas at El Paso
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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yep if u want to do work for the other school 2
Sure, through distance learning. (Online courses)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What schools around Austin, Texas can help me find out how to work in DNA analysis?Is it genetics and biology?
What schools around Austin, Texas can help me find out how to work in DNA analysis?Is it genetics and biology?
What degrees do I specifically need? I am very interested in becoming a laboratory technician dealing with forensic testing. Is there online courses I can take? Do I need criminal justice degrees because of the legal side of this? If so, which degree should I look for in criminal justice?
Biology - 1 Answers
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Most molecular biology and genetics courses will offer dna analysis. If you're going into any science degree, they'll REQUIRE you to take at least an introductory course in protein synthesis and molecular bio. If you're very interested, you could find a professor who's currently doing research on these topics and apply as a lab assitant to gain offhand knowledge. I wouldn't really say there criminal justice is the related field.. I suggest the course ethics, as it ties in very much to the science side. It's listed as a philosophy course in my university though. I'm sure 99% of universities will have such courses like "molecular biology." genetics is more on the side of finding probabilities of traits that appear.
What degrees do I specifically need? I am very interested in becoming a laboratory technician dealing with forensic testing. Is there online courses I can take? Do I need criminal justice degrees because of the legal side of this? If so, which degree should I look for in criminal justice?
Biology - 1 Answers
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Most molecular biology and genetics courses will offer dna analysis. If you're going into any science degree, they'll REQUIRE you to take at least an introductory course in protein synthesis and molecular bio. If you're very interested, you could find a professor who's currently doing research on these topics and apply as a lab assitant to gain offhand knowledge. I wouldn't really say there criminal justice is the related field.. I suggest the course ethics, as it ties in very much to the science side. It's listed as a philosophy course in my university though. I'm sure 99% of universities will have such courses like "molecular biology." genetics is more on the side of finding probabilities of traits that appear.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Is it Possible to go to School in Austin or Phoenix without a Car?
Is it Possible to go to School in Austin or Phoenix without a Car?
I'm not going to be able to take my car with me when I transfer out of state from Richmond,Virginia. I am looking at schools out of state and would like to work, live and go to school in either downtown Phoenix, Arizona or Austin, Texas. Is it possible to live without a car in either cities and still have a fun life. A lot of college students here in Richmond don't have cars so they have to make friends with people with cars, and/or only work,play and live downtown. Also in Richmond there are lots of jobs, and leisure activities downtown and we are a city of only over 200,000. So, aren't I right in assuming downtown Austin and Phoenix will have even more opportunities for young non-drivers? * I will be living on campus only for a while as well.
Phoenix - 2 Answers
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there is a public transportation service in the Phoenix area, plus, it's likely you will meet people that also go to your school, maybe an opportunity to car pool
Phoenix has a GREAT public transit system. I went to college there with no car and it was a breeze. There is a bus for every major street and lots of minor ones too. There are plenty of express routes as well and now they also have a light rail. You can get a monthly bus pass for cheap and they're pretty darn reliable time-wise. Because of all the colleges in the area, there are also a lot of starter jobs for college students. You also need to keep in mind that the transit system stretches to Tempe as well so it's not like it keeps you stuck within Metro Phoenix. Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, Peoria, etc are all easily reachable via public transport. Public transport is never a 100% clean or creepy people free experience, but compared to a lot of cities, Phoenix has a great system going. I used it the entire time I was going to college there and never had a problem. Sometimes I'd even bike part way and throw my bike on the front of the bus for part of the ride. Because it's so hot in the summer, they really have to have a good public transit system or no one would get anywhere =) You can't walk or bike when it's 120. For the first summer you'll be telling people "DRY HEAT MY @$$!!!!" but you will get used to it. The first time you fly home to Richmond during the summer, you'll see what I mean. I was always poo-pooing "dry heat" until I stepped off a plane in Chicago when it was 89 (100% humidity) and I couldn't breathe. You don't sweat when it's 120 in Phoenix either. Well, you do, but because of the low humidity it just evaporates. You're hot, but you're not uncomfortable.
I'm not going to be able to take my car with me when I transfer out of state from Richmond,Virginia. I am looking at schools out of state and would like to work, live and go to school in either downtown Phoenix, Arizona or Austin, Texas. Is it possible to live without a car in either cities and still have a fun life. A lot of college students here in Richmond don't have cars so they have to make friends with people with cars, and/or only work,play and live downtown. Also in Richmond there are lots of jobs, and leisure activities downtown and we are a city of only over 200,000. So, aren't I right in assuming downtown Austin and Phoenix will have even more opportunities for young non-drivers? * I will be living on campus only for a while as well.
Phoenix - 2 Answers
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there is a public transportation service in the Phoenix area, plus, it's likely you will meet people that also go to your school, maybe an opportunity to car pool
Phoenix has a GREAT public transit system. I went to college there with no car and it was a breeze. There is a bus for every major street and lots of minor ones too. There are plenty of express routes as well and now they also have a light rail. You can get a monthly bus pass for cheap and they're pretty darn reliable time-wise. Because of all the colleges in the area, there are also a lot of starter jobs for college students. You also need to keep in mind that the transit system stretches to Tempe as well so it's not like it keeps you stuck within Metro Phoenix. Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, Peoria, etc are all easily reachable via public transport. Public transport is never a 100% clean or creepy people free experience, but compared to a lot of cities, Phoenix has a great system going. I used it the entire time I was going to college there and never had a problem. Sometimes I'd even bike part way and throw my bike on the front of the bus for part of the ride. Because it's so hot in the summer, they really have to have a good public transit system or no one would get anywhere =) You can't walk or bike when it's 120. For the first summer you'll be telling people "DRY HEAT MY @$$!!!!" but you will get used to it. The first time you fly home to Richmond during the summer, you'll see what I mean. I was always poo-pooing "dry heat" until I stepped off a plane in Chicago when it was 89 (100% humidity) and I couldn't breathe. You don't sweat when it's 120 in Phoenix either. Well, you do, but because of the low humidity it just evaporates. You're hot, but you're not uncomfortable.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
does anybody go to the school in austin texas called spring hill elementary?
does anybody go to the school in austin texas called spring hill elementary?
do you know the costodeons do you know one called pedro molina if so say hi from me from his grandson rigo ok thanks!
Austin - 1 Answers
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nope i live in cali but if i new him i would have said hi
do you know the costodeons do you know one called pedro molina if so say hi from me from his grandson rigo ok thanks!
Austin - 1 Answers
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nope i live in cali but if i new him i would have said hi
Thursday, February 10, 2011
What is the Best Austin Driving School?
What is the Best Austin Driving School?
I live in Austin Texas, and I was looking for the best school wherein I will enjoy and will not get bored. I want a school with fast certificate processing and has online website, any help guys...
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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This school is the best Austin Driving School I found and I am a previous student of this school so I highly recommend it. Austin Comedy Defensive Driving School TEA APPROVED $35 for ticket dismissal, $30 for insurance discount, (Up to 15% off for three years), Couples package $60 (includes insurance and ticket dismissal) Two day air and next day air available Their Website is: http://www.austincomedydefensivedriving.com You can check their facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Austin-TX/Austin-Comedy-Defensive-Driving/110648808973133?v=app_4949752878
Hi, Here is one of the best driving school in US Austin, http://www.drivingschoolus.com/texas-defensive-driving.html this course approved by TEA - Texas Education Agency..
I live in Austin Texas, and I was looking for the best school wherein I will enjoy and will not get bored. I want a school with fast certificate processing and has online website, any help guys...
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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This school is the best Austin Driving School I found and I am a previous student of this school so I highly recommend it. Austin Comedy Defensive Driving School TEA APPROVED $35 for ticket dismissal, $30 for insurance discount, (Up to 15% off for three years), Couples package $60 (includes insurance and ticket dismissal) Two day air and next day air available Their Website is: http://www.austincomedydefensivedriving.com You can check their facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Austin-TX/Austin-Comedy-Defensive-Driving/110648808973133?v=app_4949752878
Hi, Here is one of the best driving school in US Austin, http://www.drivingschoolus.com/texas-defensive-driving.html this course approved by TEA - Texas Education Agency..
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
what is the best middle school football team to go to in Austin Texas?
what is the best middle school football team to go to in Austin Texas?
i need to know so i can go there next year if u can provide a list of teams with there record next to it
Football (American) - 6 Answers
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Slippery Springs just outside of Austin.
it middle school for christs sake who gives a shiz
They play football in middle school? I thought it was outside organizations like Junior Football League or Pop warner that did. And another thing, who cares wat middle school your at, the main thing to focus on is the high school. And if your good enough to play at the next level, the high school dosent really matter either, they'll come find you.
You can't transfer in Texas, even middle school, for athletic reasons so you're SOL. However, get your parents to buy a house for you. That'll work. But really, the best middle school football program in Texas is George Strait Middle School in Frisco.
What are you gonna do there, cheerleading?
arlen middle...like on t.v.'s king of the hill
i need to know so i can go there next year if u can provide a list of teams with there record next to it
Football (American) - 6 Answers
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Slippery Springs just outside of Austin.
it middle school for christs sake who gives a shiz
They play football in middle school? I thought it was outside organizations like Junior Football League or Pop warner that did. And another thing, who cares wat middle school your at, the main thing to focus on is the high school. And if your good enough to play at the next level, the high school dosent really matter either, they'll come find you.
You can't transfer in Texas, even middle school, for athletic reasons so you're SOL. However, get your parents to buy a house for you. That'll work. But really, the best middle school football program in Texas is George Strait Middle School in Frisco.
What are you gonna do there, cheerleading?
arlen middle...like on t.v.'s king of the hill
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Where can I get school supplies that are Tax free in the state of Texas? (I live in austin {hook 'em horns!})
Where can I get school supplies that are Tax free in the state of Texas? (I live in austin {hook 'em horns!})
I live in Austin Texas and I wanted to know where I could get school supplies tax free. I know Wal*Mart only gives clothing and shoes tax free, but I wanted to know a definite store that gives out school supplies with tax free. Please any store will help! I know the dates are August 17, 18 and 19 but where exactly do you get school supplies tax free? Thanks for helping ! (p.s. does macy's give clothing tax free ? Like the jouniors; are the clothes tax free? Rememeber this is AUSTIN TEXAS!)
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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Last year I went to Kohls and they were doing it...Target too.. call the stores, if you want to know specific ones..
Sorry.. School supplies are not among the items that are tax exempt during next weekend's the Texas tax free holiday, but plenty of other items are. Here is a link to the full list of all tax free items as listed on the state comptrollers office web site: http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/taxpubs/tx98_490/tx98_490.html
You may want to try this Student Organizer Software to help you manage different aspects of student life. It is available at www.successtrackersoftware.com
I live in Austin Texas and I wanted to know where I could get school supplies tax free. I know Wal*Mart only gives clothing and shoes tax free, but I wanted to know a definite store that gives out school supplies with tax free. Please any store will help! I know the dates are August 17, 18 and 19 but where exactly do you get school supplies tax free? Thanks for helping ! (p.s. does macy's give clothing tax free ? Like the jouniors; are the clothes tax free? Rememeber this is AUSTIN TEXAS!)
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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Last year I went to Kohls and they were doing it...Target too.. call the stores, if you want to know specific ones..
Sorry.. School supplies are not among the items that are tax exempt during next weekend's the Texas tax free holiday, but plenty of other items are. Here is a link to the full list of all tax free items as listed on the state comptrollers office web site: http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/taxpubs/tx98_490/tx98_490.html
You may want to try this Student Organizer Software to help you manage different aspects of student life. It is available at www.successtrackersoftware.com
Friday, February 4, 2011
can someone give me an answer about transcripts? mainly high school to univ of texas at austin?
can someone give me an answer about transcripts? mainly high school to univ of texas at austin?
some colleges like a&m have a form where you write your applytexas id and other info to include with your transcript, but uni of texas doesnt so how do the admissions people match your transcript with your file?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Through your personal info such as SSN, name, address, DOB, school attended, and etc. Your school counselor can probably help you with that. In my school, I just have to fill out a form for the counselor and he will send the transcript with a rec letter. Good luck.
I think get official transcript then if you have SSN, show it to them
some colleges like a&m have a form where you write your applytexas id and other info to include with your transcript, but uni of texas doesnt so how do the admissions people match your transcript with your file?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Through your personal info such as SSN, name, address, DOB, school attended, and etc. Your school counselor can probably help you with that. In my school, I just have to fill out a form for the counselor and he will send the transcript with a rec letter. Good luck.
I think get official transcript then if you have SSN, show it to them
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What school in the University of Texas Austin is the easiest to get into?
What school in the University of Texas Austin is the easiest to get into?
as a transfer student
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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liberal arts
social work...
as a transfer student
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
liberal arts
social work...
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