Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Which Texas Liberal Arts school is better; University of Texas at Austin, or Texas State San Marcos?

Which Texas Liberal Arts school is better; University of Texas at Austin, or Texas State San Marcos?
I got accepted to to Texas State San Marcos, but in UTA I got accepted but I have to wait a year, and go to a different UT system school and then automatically transfer to UTA in 2010, but the only thing is I'd be an "undeclared" major when I want to go to a specific degree of liberal arts, but Texas State more than likely will offer me the program in liberal Arts. But I don't know which school is better well known for they're excellence. Please help, advice would be wonderful! Thank you!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
UT is way better than Texas State. Its better to be at UT undeclared than another school with a major that most likely will change several times.

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